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Complementary cancer therapies ‘do more harm than good’

Cancer patients should tell their doctors if they are taking herbal products because some of the ingredients could stop their treatment working, a cancer conference has heard. Garlic, ginger and ginkgo pills, for example, can delay the healing of skin wounds when breast cancer spreads. Surgeon Prof Maria Joao Cardoso, said there was no evidence […]

5 Surprising Benefits of Kissing

The length of your relationship doesn’t define its quality

here’s a huge misconception that short-lived relationships are not meaningful or significant in our lives. But, that rumour is simply not true. I strongly believe that the length of a relationship doesn’t validate how deep of a connection two people share.  There are so many ways a relationship of any kind can impact you, from friendships to […]

5 Surprising Benefits of Kissing

Complementary cancer therapies ‘do more harm than good’

Cancer patients should tell their doctors if they are taking herbal products because some of the ingredients could stop their treatment working, a cancer conference has heard. Garlic, ginger and ginkgo pills, for example, can delay the healing of skin wounds when breast cancer spreads. Surgeon Prof Maria Joao Cardoso, said there was no evidence […]

5 Surprising Benefits of Kissing

The length of your relationship doesn’t define its quality

here’s a huge misconception that short-lived relationships are not meaningful or significant in our lives. But, that rumour is simply not true. I strongly believe that the length of a relationship doesn’t validate how deep of a connection two people share.  There are so many ways a relationship of any kind can impact you, from friendships to […]

5 Surprising Benefits of Kissing